An inspiring curriculum is the key to igniting a child’s passion to learn. Here at Harris Primary Academy Purley Way we plan for a fun, energising and impactful curriculum to provide the key ingredients to support a child's progression. Our curriculum embeds our school vision of ‘Excellence for All’ by nuturing our school values; Positivity, Excellence, Growth at every step. Our curriculum encourages and allows children to ask questions, be reflective and independent learners, collaborate and be aspirational. We ensure meaningful learning through a literacy rich curriculum which focuses on key texts to encapsulate the whole topic. Each topic begins with a hook to ignite a child’s interest, which is followed with a line of enquiry whereby children investigate a theme. Deeper thinking is then encouraged through reflection prompting children to ask more questions. This mastery approach to planning and delivery of our curriculum cements understanding and reasoning.
HF Curriculum Lead - Sam French
Ensuring Equality and Inclusion at Harris Primary Academy Purley Way (HPAPW)
HPAPW welcomes all children and values them as individuals, treating them equally and with respect. We believe that all children have the right to have their own needs incorporated into their curriculum in order to achieve success through the following approaches;
- Provide an accessible environment, which is secure and safe, so that all our children can flourish.
- We believe that all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs, and it is therefore a whole school responsibility to ensure that these children’s needs are addressed.
- Through staff working together as a team, and in partnership with pupils and their parents and carers, we strive to ensure that our aims are met.
- Ensure all staff are aware of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting and valuing equality and diversity.
- Promote early identification of children with additional needs to ensure interventions are in place to address their needs.
- Monitor the progress of all our children to ensure they are meeting their full potential.
- Work with all external agencies and organisations
- To build relationships with other schools within our community including specialist and out-with Harris Federation.
- We ensure that our curriculum is fully inclusive and will not discriminate against the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
- Our inclusive teaching approach ensures that all children can access the learning using resources and strategies that they may need, including modified language, additional support or resource.
- Follow the guidance in the SEN Code of Practice, Equalities Act 2010 and The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
Further information can be found in our SEN Section which contains our;
- SEN Information Report & SEN Policy
- Accessibility Plan
We use Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc programme to deliver our phonic teaching. you can find more information about the scheme at